Once the Funding Offer has been accepted, payment amounts can be calculated and collected.

Payment should be deducted from each sale made by the Business, according to the repayment_percent specified in the terms of the accepted Offer. The payment should be sent to both finmid and the Platform providing the Capital service.

To calculate the repayment_amount, finmid requires information about the Business's sales revenue on the Platform, referred to as Sales statements. The Platform needs to share these Sales statements with finmid through the API for every Business that has accepted a Funding Offer.

It is possible to limit the maximum value of the repayment_amount calculated for the reported sales_amount by specifying the net_amount. As a result, the repayment_amount for the reported Sales Statement entry will not exceed the net_amount.

Within each Business, you can additionally group Sales statements by providing a Sales Statement group_id value. This allows sales and repayment data in the API response to be aggregated separately for each business_id/group_id pair.

Sales statements should be shared periodically. The period is defined in the API as a "Batch", which aggregates the Sales statements of one or several Businesses for a given period. An identifier of a batch, batch_id, is to be included as reference text in the bank transfer when the Platform pays the repayment amount to finmid.

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